Providing Business, Management, and Sales & Marketing Consultancy for established organizations and for start-ups.
Providing Executive Search, Selection and Recruitment Services.
Delivering best-in-class customized Training Workshops in English, Arabic or bilingually to cater to the exact needs of each designated client and participant group.
Facilitating interactive discussion-based debate-rich training experience that offers the latest theoretical and applicable hands-on practices, insights and recommendations of the top business gurus and management writers of our modern day.
Providing up-to-date course material obtained from the most globally renowned sources.
Offering loads of activities, exercises, discussions, games, articles and cases; all wrapped in a fun-full package.
Providing contractual services to business enterprises; monthly or annually or for specific tasks; for the establishment and development of business and for alleviating the effectiveness and efficiency of their processes, and most importantly, their employees.
Also providing Management and Organizational Advice for the problems they may face.