Archiving and Records Management

Records are in every organization. From purchasing receipts to tax documents to communications, they need to be identified and managed properly. The method of records management that a company uses should be tailored to fit the needs of the organization. There are, however, some basic concepts in most records management systems.

With this workshop, participants will discover the basic elements of records management programs and different ways to manage records.

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Define records and archives
  • Analyze records in context
  • Classify records
  • Understand different systems
  • Maintain and convert records

Course Outline:

Module One:

Getting Started

Module Two:

Understanding Records

Module Three:

Management of Records

Module Four:

Context I

Module Five:

Context II

Module Six:


Module Seven:

Paper-Based Systems

Module Eight:

Electronic Records

Module Nine:

Hybrid Systems

Module Ten:

Appraisals & Systems

Module Eleven:

Record Maintenance

Module Twelve:

Wrapping Up